Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let's Give 'Em Something to Talk About

The days keep flying by it seems, I continually have less and less time to do things. But, don't fret, the journalism lords hath no fury over me.

So far, my investigative piece on Job Corps problems is coming along smoothly. I've already gotten three good informal interviews out of the way. Two of the interviews were from Job Corps students and the other was from a couple parents of a Job Corp student. I've got to say that through just these few interviews and my research thus far, I'm learning about a whole other dimension to Job Corps, one that probably a lot of people don't know about either. I have to keep telling myself that even though there are bad aspects to Job Corps, there is still a lot of good about it too, I'm just not writing about that part.

Anyways, now that I've gotten a few informal sources, I really need to get the ball rolling with setting up my expert interviews with people. I probably should have already started at least emailing these experts to see if they are even interested in being interviewed, but what can I say, I'm a busy college student!

So, here's to a week with success and procrastination, maybe even an expert interview!

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